Monday, June 30, 2014

Smells Like A Little RV Park Etiquette

The very first time we were at a rv park I took the cap off the sewer pipe and threw down my tank hose and I thought it was ok. RV Newbie oops, not realizing if the wind is going away from my site and into the next they might smell the sewer. We've learned to wait till The tanks are full and need to be dumped. We also try to wait till the site next to me is away. NEVER! When their eating! There are special sewer fittings that keep the smell in if you hook up.
Foam rubber sewer seal. 
 What I've read and have heard is that if you wait till your tanks are full and you dump then you get a better flush from your tanks. You should never leave the black or grey tank open because the waste may not all get out. You are relying on the stuff to float and not stick to the sides. 
This is what we do, we wait and keep an eye on the levels of the tanks and when it's time,(usally for the 4 of us 2 days) we try to get it done when it's less busy or in the morning when nobody's next to us. 
1. We get our gloves on, hook up to the tanks outlet and sewer, we make sure everything is tight on the rig and drain. Don't want the sluge surprise!
2. We open the black tank till little or no water is coming out (we have a clear elbow to see. I know. Yuck! But it helps)

3.Then close black tank
4. Open grey tank this also cleans the hose that you're dumping through.
5. Close grey tank
6. Lift the hose while connected towards the sewer drain to get the rest of the waste water out. 
7. Unhook.
Great job we've just dumped the tanks.
To get a real good clean in the black tank they make a wand that hooks to a water hose (not your clean water hose) you slide down the toilet and it has two sprayers on it and it sprays the tanks walls. Some people fill there tanks 1/2 full and add ice and dump when they get to their next destination.  The clear elbow I was talking about has a sprayer on it that you hook up to a hose (again not your clean water hose) and it send a jet of water up to the black water tank. When using your toilet be sure to use a good amount of water. I know my kids don't so I add two bowl fills during the day. Just to keep everything from sticking.
 It's a gross job and it's one of those things we have to do if you don't want to use the parks facilities.  Take it slow and double check your connections and you won't have a messy site. This is the area for me that I don't want accidents (little funny there)  so I'm trying to get a routine down and Jenn is out there with me just in case something goes wrong and so she also knows how to do it if I'm ever not able to.  
Just remember to be considerate it's does smell, even on a windy day. Be courious to your neibours they're trying to enjoy the outdoors to. 
Safe Travels
* the reason for this blog is because we were at a park and just about everywhere we walked we got a wiff of sewer. It just so unpleasant. 

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